Sharing the Good life on Lake Toledo Bend in the piney woods of East Texas
TEJAS Day Trip
Community Club
Toledo Bend Community Club Officers for 2019
About Us
Sherry Storer, Vice-Chairman
Sherry and her husband Steve enjoy the retired life Toledo Village offers. She is chairperson of the membership committee. Memberships are $12 each and due each July. In 2017 a membership of 170. Please send Sherry a note for more information
Sondra Apelt, Secretary
A native Texan, Sondra began her real estate career in Austin, Texas. With a Business Degree and experience in business development, she has worked in the diverse areas of sales, real estate investment and property renovation. She is now a broker/ associate at Toledo Bend Properties. Sondra and her husband Kurt have three children and six grandchildren. They share their current remodeling project on Toledo Bend Lake with their .
Sharon Long, Treasurer
A newly retired Librarian, Sharon has stayed busy volunteering in the Women's Assoc., Book club, the Tejas planning group and attends group activities on game days. She and her husband have hosted the pot luck community suppers several times.
Olivia Yehling, Hospitality
Olivia and husband, Chuck live in the Tall Timbers Community. Olivia has been very active in the community club with Tejas planning, Women's Assoc., Toledo Benders, and pot luck suppers. Olivia oversees the planning of events in the club house. She makes sure supplies and equipment are easily available to members.
Standing Committee Chairs:
Membership ------ Sherry Storer
Hospitality ------ Olivia Yehling
Maintenance ----- Steve Storer
Phone Book ------ Mary Murphy Publicity --------- --Peggy Hatfield
Ad Hoc Committee Chairs
Cemetery ---------- Dave Pigion Library ------------ Bobbie Champagne
TBWA Organization:
Chairman ---------- Boo Ewing
Vice Chairman -----Gayle Liscano
Secretary ---------- Olivia Yehling
Treasurer ---------- Kathy Porter
Publicity Chairman Peggy Hatfield
Mary Murphy
Heading 1
Do You or your friends have a medical device like crutches or a wheelchair not in use? The TBCC is collecting these to be available to someone who might need these and can't afford them or for a shot time. If you wish to donate any medical equipment that others might use, call
Chuck Yehling@ 565-1075
for more information. Chuck has donated space for the Community Center to store these items. Remember, this is a tax donation and a great help for others.